I would have men of such constancy put to sea, that their business might be every thing and their intent every where; for that’s it that always makes a good voyage of nothing.
“High Roller,” The Crystal Method
Posted for Thursday on Monday for open, overnight thread for Friday
Part I: Zombies Become Zombies
Americans first learned about zombies from a travel book they read in 1929, from a play they saw in 1932 that was inspired by the travel book, and from a movie they saw in 1932 that was inspired by both the play and the travel book (directly).
First, the movie.
The movie was White Zombie, directed by Victor Halperin. It starred Bela Lugosi, Madge Bellamy, John Harron, and Robert Frazer. It’s usually described as “atmospheric,” “old-fashioned,” and bad.
Note: White Zombie has been described in the above terms, including “old-fashioned,” since it opened in 1932. The era of motion pictures with sound had begun, and White Zombie, though it had sound, was too reminiscent of a silent film for contemporaneous taste.
Promotional poster for White Zombie.
With these zombie eyes, he rendered her powerless. With this zombie grip, he made her perform his every desire!
Even in 1932, men dreamed of finding ways to get their girlfriends to answer email.
White Zombie opens with a bride-to-be and her fiancé riding to their wedding in a carriage that must clip-clop uncertainly through a Voodoo funeral that is taking place in the middle of the road.
I know. Subtle. But, obediently staggering along the mouldering pave-stones along which all horror story victims must stagger, our heroes can’t take a hint.
The story of White Zombie isn’t that bad, even if the movie mostly is. Madeleine Short (Bellamy) and Neil Parker (Harron) have been invited by Charles Beaumont (Frazer) to have their wedding at his opulent plantation in Haiti, neither of them knowing that Charles intends to seduce and marry Madeleine himself. To that end, Charles has enlisted the help of his wicked neighbor, the Voodoo master Murder Legendre (Lugosi). After Madeleine and Neil arrive, Murder uses his evil, witchy-man eyeball power, along with a secret potion, a candle whittled into a human likeness, and a weird, Communist hand gesture, to transform Madeleine into a zombie.
The movie is worth seeing. The brief scene of the inner workings of Murder’s mill is likely how the movie continues to earn “atmospheric,” and the scene where room-temperature Madeline plays the piano for anguished Charles is very strange and thought provoking.
White Zombie is just over an hour long.
At the moment, the movie is freely available for watching online and downloading. And since it has a coveted place in zombie lore as the first zombie movie, hordes of misinformational essays, staring creepily at the movie from different angles, are also available. For our purposes: it’s there.
So much for the movie.
To the play.
I would have men of such constancy put to sea, that their business might be every thing and their intent every where; for that’s it that always makes a good voyage of nothing.
Hot chicks shouldn’t have to explain, anyway
Celebrated by decree of the United States government, of course, on January 2nd
We didn’t listen!
Saving “Wereturtillian Behoovements” for a possible EP title
Here to stay, gone tomorrow
“Well! I’ve often seen a cat without a grin,” thought Alice; “but a grin without a cat! It’s the most curious thing I ever saw in my life!”
“One side will make you grow taller, and the other side will make you grow shorter.”
Do these people not know we have Internet?
Jane Roe
“An interesting attribute of a cacophony is that no matter how many more voices you add to it, a cacophony it remains.”
You’ve got to try marguaritas at 5 A.M.
Halloween, 2016
Contains lunatics, keepers, and asylum. Some assembly required.
“—insolent, rapacious, filthy; had the gall of a bullock with the heart of a hyena and the brains of a peacock.”
“Your face was among the missing at our annual reunion last June. Won’t you help us to keep tabs on members of the class of ’17 by telling us what you are doing now? . . .”
“Just the kind of day that makes you feel good to be alive!”
A dark and stormy month
And rectify the shambolic “deportation” policies of David Cameron
Jean-Claude Juncker doesn’t really recognise the need for compromise with #Brexit.
Tyranny, lawlessness, and corruption
Unelected, unaccountable apparatchiks
Nationalism, instead of social justice and Marxist economics
Entertained and at his game
Check to make sure we’re talking about the same leak, though
None of the best of proverbs
Mind the bucket.
Open, overnight
Open, overnight
No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
You have to say “person”
Do I look like a SIR to you?
George P. Bush and Chelsea Clinton
Consider the afternoon constitutionals
Dead and dreaming
reel rage reath ratch
Almost as good as slave labor
Something rich and strange
de rigueur. Mortis.
Your mileage may vary
You want to beat them, don’t you?
Z-Type: People Needing to Masturbate
You’ll know them by their ceaseless vigilance
Fight the power, man
. . . there are few things more difficult for Russian and Western historians today than to predict Russia’s past.
Coffee and bones
. . . blood-maddened, sex-maddened, god-maddened . . . danced their dark saturnalia
An excerpt from Seabrook’s The Magic Island
“You don't really want to drink water, do you?”
A poem
A few pictures
A local copy of a witchy-woman’s avatar
A poem
All right, but there’s an eye in there
A short poem
There might be hope for your planet, even now
Overheard in bully Bottom’s Athens
A poem
Let the probing begin
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